Section “E” – Wool
Head Steward:
David McGruer
B. Frost
Fox and Lillie Rural Pty Ltd.
First Place: $30
Second Place: $20
Third Place: $10
Plus Ribbons & Cards
Note: All Merino Fleeces can be judged based on the Highest Commercial Value.
The judge may transfer any entry to another section if incorrectly entered.
All fleeces should be skirted; skirtings are not to be included.
Fleeces must be grown by the exhibitor and be from the 2023 crop.
Fleeces must not exceed 12 months of growth.
Unless stated otherwise, exhibits will be judged according to the following scale of points:
Trueness to Type: 10
Soundness: 10
Length: 10
Colour: 6
Softness: 8
Density: 6
Character: 10
Evenness: 10
Top & Noil Product: 30
Total: 100 points.
Additional Information:
All fleeces will be judged based on common values.
Wool exhibits must be prepared and presented by 9 a.m. on Friday and remain until 5 p.m. on Saturday.
Shredded or rugged fleeces are not allowed.
Merino Wool Superfine: One fleece, wether or ewe
Merino Wool Fine: One fleece, wether or ewe
Merino Wool Medium: One fleece, wether or ewe
Merino Wool Strong: One fleece, wether or ewe
Merino Wool SRS Type: One fleece, wether or ewe
Merino Fleece of Highest Commercial Value
PERCY Webb Memorial Trophy
7. Merino Lambs Wool Fine: 500 grams
8. Merino Lambs Wool Medium or Strong: 500 grams
Special Awards:
Ribbon for the highest commercial value
Grand Champion Fleece of Show
Raymond Webb Memorial Trophy