Section “L” – Preserves
Judy Britton
$1 per entry, capped at a maximum of $10. Additional entries beyond 10 are free of charge.
Prizes: $10 for first place and $5 for second place in each section. These prizes have been generously donated by the Ladies Auxiliary and kind sponsors.
Ribbons and prize cards will be awarded as usual.
Entry Deadlines:
All entry forms must be in the hands of the secretary by 5:30 p.m. on Thursday.
Entries must be with the steward no later than 9:00 a.m. on Friday.
Exhibit Retrieval:
All exhibits must remain in the pavilion until 4:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Number of Entries:
Each exhibitor is allowed one entry in each class.
Jar Size:
Minimum jar size: 180 grams.
Collection of 'Three Varieties':
In the collection of the 'three varieties,' the same jar cannot be used if entered in another section.
Entry Dates:
All entries must have been made within the last twelve months.
Labeling and Presentation:
Jars with commercial labels will not be accepted.
Jars should be filled within ¼ inch from the top, and the inside of the lids should be clean. Lids may be loosened for ease of judging.
Sauces must be in CLEAR bottles with screw-on lids; no jars are allowed.
Entries in varieties "not mentioned" should be labeled to identify their contents.
Special Awards:
A ribbon and trophy will be awarded to the champion exhibit, donated by the family of the late Cynthia Webb, and selected by the Judge.
Tumut Show Ladies Auxiliary - The Margaret Mitchell Memorial Award for the 'Best Blackberry Jam,' along with an award ribbon.
The Margaret Mitchell Perpetual Trophy for the best Blackberry Jam, donated by her Family.
1. Collection of jams, 3 varieties (name each jar)
2. Plum jam (dark)
3. Plum jam (light)
4. Apricot
5. Peach
6. Strawberry
7. Blackberry
8. Raspberry
9. Fig
10. Melon any flavour
11. Jam not mentioned
12. Collection of marmalade 3 varieties (name each jar)
13. Orange
14. Three fruit marmalade
15. Marmalade ‘not mentioned’
16. Collection of jelly 3 varieties (name each jar)
17. Quince
18. Apple
19. Mint
20. Jelly not mentioned
21. Jar Lemon Butter
22. Tomato Sauce (no seeds)
23. Plum Sauce
24. Sweet Chilli (not hot)
25. Worcestershire Sauce
26. Collection of 3 sauce’s
27. Green Tomato Pickles
28. Mustard Pickles
29. Zucchini Pickle
30. Sauce not mentioned
31. Pickle not mentioned
32. Jar Pickled Onions
33. Sweet Fruit Chutney
34. Mango Chutney
35. Tomato Chutney
36. Chutney not mentioned
37. Tomato Relish
38. Corn Relish
39. Cucumber Relish
40. Chutney or Relish not mentioned
41. Jar Cooked Mayonnaise
42. Jar Mayonnaise
43. Jar Salad Dressing
44. Jar Apple Sauce
45. Decorated Jar or bottle of oil (judged on appearance only)
46. Decorated Jar or Bottle of Vinegar (judged on appearance only)
47. Jar of Extracted Honey
48. Other item not mentioned
49. Preserved Peaches
50. Preserved Pears
51. Preserved Cherries
52. Preserved Fruit (not mentioned)
53. Preserved Vegetables